Funghi porcini tagliati sott’olio di Ghiotto Galfrè sono selezionati manualmente uno a uno, e scrupolosamente puliti con estrema delicatezza. Conservano profumo e consistenza, senza perdere un briciolo del vivo colore che li caratterizza. Confezionati a mano, sotto vetro alternato i colori di ciascuna varietà in modo armonico. Belli da guardare, squisiti da gustare.
1 PZ = EURO 12,00
SCADENZA 01/2026
Made with natural ingredients from local suppliers in Greece. - Our bagels have a net weight of 120g. - Mini bagels have a net weight of 60g. All Leo’s bagels are vegan except for 3 flavors: - Cranberry with White Chocolate. - Cheddar Cheese Jalapeño. - Blueberry White Chocolate.
Cera estampada 100% natural de producción propia, sin colorantes, extraída mediante método de prensado del carozo y purificada por el tradicional método de decantado. Tamaño del alvéolo estandar. Stock todo el año para los principales tipos de soporte y preparación puntual de pedidos a medida.
Prodotto per la ristorazione, pizzerie, catering.
Caratteristiche : Tartufo Nero Aestivum finemente affettato conservato in olio evo e un pizzico di sale.
Dosi consigliate: 10/15 gr x persona.
Consigli utili : Prodotto pronto all'uso.
Consumo: Condimento per primi piatti ( tagliatelle, tortellini, tortelloni, crespelle, riso, paste ripiene ecc. ), per ripieni di paste e salati, carpacci di carne e pesce, frittate e omelettes, preparazione di salse e sughi. tartine, stuzzichini per aperitivi, guarnizioni, pizze e calzoni.
Termine massimo di conservazione : 24 mesi dalla data di produzione
Disponibilità: generalmente sempre disponibile
Modalità di conservazione: Una volta aperto, ricoprire con olio evo, conservare in frigo e consumare entro pochi giorni
INGREDIENTI: Tartufo nero Estivo (Tuber Aestivum); Olio EVO; Sale; Aromi; Antiossidante : Acido Ascorbico.
box 6 pezzi
The truffle oil is a delicate and aromatic seasoning oil. It is made with a high quality cold pressed olive oil from Primadonna. Truffle oil is particularly suitable for refining risotto and pasta, carpaccio, scrambled eggs, cheese, mashed potatoes, cream sauces / light bound sauces, scrambled eggs / fried egg, soft egg / poached egg / onsen egg and ham. Content: 150 to 750 ml Taste: original black truffle Taste through natural truffle slices, with fine olive flavor
Aparência e Textura
Cor branca/bege, formato de palito;
Textura delicada e ligeiramente crocante.
Ideal para barras de cereais e complementos proteicos, chocolates e pastelaria, saladas, coberturas de iogurte e aveia, cereais e granola.
La ciabatta 300 g est l'un des pains les plus emblématiques chez OKIN. C'est un pain au caractère rustique très marqué, avec une croûte croustillante et un grigage prononcé. Cuit dans un four à sole et pointage et apprêt, c'est un pain très hydraté, qui se conserve donc toute la journée. Grâce à la levain a un goût très intense. Il a une mie alvéolée de couleur crème avec une grande élasticité. Idéal pour le tranchage au petit déjeuner car il assure également une bonne présence à table, au buffet, etc.
CUISSON:20 min. | 200ºC
UNITÉS:30 Unités/Carton | 24 Carton/Palette
GLUCIDES (G):53,30
SUCRES (G):1,02
LIPIDES (G):1,14
SEL (G):1,25
Die Größen 0, 10 und 20 gibt es wahlweise in Birke Sperrholz oder in Buche natur.
Sondergrößen wie S6, 3, S4 nur aus Buche.
Unsere Produkte stehen dem Original um nichts nach – dies belegt die Zufriedenheit
unserer zahlreichen Kunden.
Standardverpackung ist 1000 Stk.
For the cutting of hard and semi-hard cheese we offer a wide range of semi-automatic portioning machines suitable for cutting
all types of gifts, ranging from counter machines to automatic lines. The automatic lines are supplied to a large part of the Italian
and foreign GDO.
In particular:
Automatic, semi-automatic and semi-manual cheese cutting machines.
Portioning machines, which allow you to accurately divide the cheese into slices of customizable size.
Horizontal disconnectors, which perform the horizontal cut of the shapes.
Automatic cleaners, to eliminate the impurities present on the rind of aged cheeses before cutting and packaging.
Automatic graters, which allow to obtain a homogeneous and ready-to-use finished product.
Flattening machines, to precisely cut the upper and lower plate of the forms, for packaging.
H4CBD candy is a safe, fun, fast and effective way to consume more potent CBD.
Our sweets are infused with H4CBD Premium,
Vegan or tangy, sugar-free or fruity, to relax or fall asleep more easily; you are bound to find the H4CBD gummies that are made for you! 250 mg of H4CBD per jar of 100 gr
Truffle slices in extra-virgin olive oil, truffle carpaccio, tuber aestivum. Suitable for starters, first and second courses. Storage Method: Store in the refrigerator for up to 7 days after opening.
THCP + CBD candies are a safe, fun, fast and effective way to consume powerful CBD,
Enjoy all the benefits of CBD and the effects of THCP for an intense feeling of well-being,
Vegan or tangy, sugar-free or fruity, to relax, escape or fall asleep; you will inevitably find THCP gummies made for you!
CBD candy is a safe, fun, fast, and effective way to consume CBD.
Our candies are infused with Premium CBD and THC-free,
Vegan or tangy, sugar-free or fruity, to relax or fall asleep more easily; you are bound to find the CBD gummies that are made for you! 250 mg of CBD per jar of 100 gr